Saturday, September 27, 2008

She's Smiling!!!

Camryn is starting to smile SO much, I love it!! There's nothing better than when she's happy and content, and just looks at me and gives me one of these huge grins! I love this girl!

I can't figure out how to turn this picture...anyone know how? Sorry, you gotta look sideways!


Leslie said...

She is beautiful, she sure has bright eyes and a very sweety smile. Does she look like your baby pictures? I bet it's killing your mom to be so far away. When do you plan on moving back? Hugs!

Annette Rose said...

She is so cute! And she does look so big next to Blake, what a great name, (girl, right?) I love the golfing picture of her in the Bjorn. Those things are life savers, eh?

Annette Rose said...

She is so cute! And she does look so big next to Blake, what a great name, (girl, right?) I love the golfing picture of her in the Bjorn. Those things are life savers, eh?

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

She is so cute! I can't wait to meet her!

Tiffany said...

So fun!!! Wish I could hold her!

Ben and Heather said...

She's such a cutie Michelle. I love her smile, it's precious!

Cheerfully Charmed said...

She's so cute! I want to see her smile in person! She's such a good baby and is always sleeping when I'm around! Unless of course you're swinging her in her car seat! ;)